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Boys Will Be Boys

You know, you are never truly prepared to be a parent and "enjoy" all the experiences that go along growing up in each stage of a little boy's life. They constantly move, the have to pester, they have to try everything, they test your nerves with each new adventure, they make the greatest noises (cars and trucks that is), they copy their heroes in powers and strength. And then there's their first trip to the ER. I'm sure my daughter's feeling helpless as her "little one" isn't moving around as usual, waiting for the prognosis. Then he'll get the care he needs and on to home. Actually, my daughter experienced this with her first child, a little girl who did all the things I described because she followed along with her Dad and had to do everything that he did. That's life, enjoy all the experiences, hope they learn from their mistakes and move on. They will move on, they recover from this mishap and not too long will be right back at the doctor's, ER, etc. This is a bit of a challenge which will make him stronger and inventive. Are you kidding, he's a boy, this is NOT going to stop him.


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