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I love visitors. I know it's not always convenient, but it's not always about you. Another voice, an opinion, family doin' fine, babbling, all that, it's wonderful. It gives you a new perspective sometimes. Like maybe, some changes that need to be made, cause "I don't want to sound like that." And too, maybe someone just needs some company, and you didn't get to them first. By the time you're done they will have unloaded their problems to someone they trust and gotten a new recipe from the treats you shared with them. The more the merrier, treats that is.

There is, however, another visitor, that I'm not too keen on. Yes, unexpected, and scared the heebie jeepies out of me. I had been up for at least an hour and loaded the washer, eaten breakfast and read a little, so when I thought about something, went to my room, turned the light on and there it was, a snake! I remember working with a lady, Doris, she couldn't even say the word let alone hear any stories about them without screaming. I couldn't understand...until now. There I go pointing and ohhh...ohhh...oh my gosh, oh my gosh! I ran to the other room for a weapon. Please, I don't want to hear it! It's a snake, it's in my bedroom, It scared me and I responded, it's a done deal. No, it wasn't poisonous, but the little sucker reared up at me and now it won't, anymore. So, consifer your visitors and act accordingly. Sounds good to me.


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