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I Can Make A Difference

Who am I, Penny. A retired baker, donut shop owner, cook, author, lab technician, custom printer, cashier, Mom, Grandmother, sister, daughter, etc. If you think about any "hat" you ever wore and all the people you came in contact with then add it all up, that's a lot of people you came in contact with. If you were to ask anyone who ever knew you what they remember about you, would it be regrettable or rememberable? Did you teach, share, uplift, give really great hugs show compassion, listen, learn to love all God's creatures and testify of His love and mercy? In other words, did I do the best I could with who and what I am? No matter who we are and what "hat" we wear, we will be an example to others and a memory. You could be eating an cookie and remember baking for someone who had never had a homemade cookie before. You could remember dressing up as Rudolph and running around the office with "Santa" in a fixed up office chair for a sleigh passing out goodies, cause you love to have fun. With however much time I am blessed with, I hope I can make a difference in someone's life for the better.


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