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I love a good thunderstorm! They make me sleep really really well. Sure I wake to the "kaboom" after a big flash of lightening, but then back to the ZZZZZZZZ's. My mom used to tell us that the angels were bowling. She never made a big deal of it or gave us a sense of fear. It's what happens when it rains some times. Actually I listened years ago to the "Oh Henry Show" and a horticulturist said without electricity from lightening, our plants would only do so so from just rain. I guess our plants need a jolt every once in a while just to keep them going. So, if the kids get jumpy and scared of lightening, tell them it's good for the plants. Since most of us enjoy our garden, and all the goodies we get from them. I guess we'll need to have a healthy respect for lightening. It's not like I'm going to go out and jump around or do a rain dance while it's lightening. "Is that why so and so acts the way he does, dear me."


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